This is actually a known issue, and solution, but still wanted to blog on it anyways, since I recently faced it again on the 2010 PWA instance. We had a requirement for a Client to customize the project site template, and its easily done in 2010. A very good post by Brian Smith at:



. However, once we completed the steps and activated the new template, everything was fine, except the issue/risk reminders. Even when an issue is assigned to a resource, it would not show up under “Issues and Risks”, nor the “Reminders” web part on homepage. After some troubleshooting, we found that in the template we had changed the Name, and/or Choice Values for the Status and Category. This was the culprit, and once we returned them to the default values, everything was OK. So, in addition to the do-not-do list Brian mentioned in his post, you should not change the Name, and/or Choice Values for the Status and Category columns.